Friends of Uptown

Friends of Uptown are committed volunteers, neighbors, community leaders, and fans who understand the importance of supporting the growth and revitalization of OKC’s Uptown 23rd District along Historic Route 66.​


  • Invited to special events and access to discounts on the 23rd of every month

  • Access to Friends of Uptown VIP tent during Uptown Outside.

  • Friends of Uptown swag

  • First to know about new happenings in Uptown, volunteer and community growth opportunities!

Commitment: $50.00 Annually

Your membership dollars support events and programming in Uptown.

Friends of Uptown Membership
Every year


Not ready to join Friends of Uptown? You can still support Friends of Uptown Foundation with a one-time donation.



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Interested in more?

The Uptown 23rd District Association offers event and district sponsorships. If you or your business are interested in contributing to the district at a high level that includes generous marketing benefits, email