Uptown 23rd District Association Merchant Memberships
Individuals, businesses, organizations, and entities leasing or owning property in the geographic boundaries of Uptown 23rd and surrounding neighborhood associations. Geographic area encompasses: NW 22nd – NW 24th Streets, N. Broadway Ave – N. Pennsylvania Ave.
Uptown 23rd merchant sticker
Featured in Uptown23rd.com business directory
First access to be included in district events
Bi-monthly feature on Uptown 23rd social media, reaching over 53,000 followers (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
Placement in monthly e-newsletter to over 2,000 subscribers
Utilize for special promotions, events, offerings, etc. by submitting to contact@uptown23rd.com
Invitation to quarterly merchant meetings
Invitation to sit on district event committees
Ability to vote to approve annual board of directors
Quarterly merchant-only newsletter with updates on Uptown 23rd District Association, marketing tips, upcoming events, development and more
Be a part of a supportive community of local business owners, developers and neighborhood champions!
Commitment: $100
Interested in more?
The Uptown 23rd District Association offers event and district sponsorships. If you or your business are interested in contributing to the district at a high level that includes generous marketing benefits, email contact@uptown23rd.com.
Why Become a Member?
That’s easy, being a member of Uptown 23rd will allow you to use our events and outreach to your businesses' advantage. Being a member also supports the transformation of Uptown 23rd and the surrounding neighborhoods. We are committed to the redevelopment of Uptown 23rd so that it will once again be a vibrant business, arts, and entertainment district and we need your help! Our membership dues make up over one-third of our annual budget, meaning our members are crucial to the success of Uptown 23rd. Without our members, we would not be able to continue to grow our events and programming each year, or improve and maintain the beautification of the district.
Uptown 23rd District Association is a 501(c)4 not-for-profit organization. As a civic organization, membership dues and other contributions are not tax deductible as a charitable donation.